This blog is about all the things that give me joy, that make my heart want to burst with delight: books, writing, people, faith, pictures, education, happenings, food, desserts....The world is just full of things able to create in us a luminous heart!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chocolate Mousse Cake

There are some things in life which are just so special, they deserve a blog post! Yesterday, I trekked up the road in blistering 34 degree weather to our neighbourhood grocery store. With list in hand, I browsed the aisles for decadent things: dark chocolate, whipping cream, butter, and eggs. [Does anyone else out there ever feel guilty for the things you take up to the cashier? I always feel I need to apologize when I've deviated from vegetables, fruit and fish! It's a good thing, then, that I was also buying ingredients for my brother's birthday barbeque, so I proudly unloaded the lettuce, tomatoes, yellow pepper and humble pun of ground beef onto the conveyor belt]. When it is very hot outside and you are walking with dairy items, you tend to walk a little quicker....Consequently, by the time I collapsed over my threshold, I looked like I'd just run in from a delightful spritz in a garden sprinkler. Let's go with that theory, shall we!?

Chocolate Mousse Cake! I was now armed and prepared to tackle a culinary feat which only the bravest will face (on a sweltering day). With the A/C cranked up to prevent any unwanted collapsing of said mousse, I set to work. Chocolate Mousse Cake is a multi-step process. I began with the cake base. For what it will grow up to be, the deceptively simple chocolate cake, which is no more than an inch high when baked looked rather sad and mundane as it cooled. But, already, the lovely smell of baked chocolate was filling the air with promises of things to come!

With the cake base done, I set about to the cream---literally and figuratively. This is the heart of a chocolate mousse cake. There's no getting around it! You mess this up, you might as well just pack up and call it a day! The fact that the ingredients are so costly makes a do-over something only the rich can afford to risk. So, sending up a quick prayer, I put the egg yolks, sugar, and salt in the mixer and whisked them up. Heated milk followed shortly after. Meanwhile, the dark chocolate was melting, and a pot of boiling water was on stand-by awaiting its critical part in the play.

Now for the aerobic exercise. The recipe called for eight vigorous minutes of constant whisking over the simmering water. Once you put that bowl over the hot water, you have to be ready to go, go, go!  There's no stopping now. If you do, you risk cooking the delicate eggs yolks rather than creating a creamy custard. I whisked until I could whisk no more, and then I changed hands. "cook, stirring, until custard is 160°F (70°C) and thick enough to coat back of spoon." That's what the lady said! It wasn't happening. Horror of horrors! The custard was curdling! Ignore it! came the little voice in my head that often saves me from despairing too quickly. So, I forged ahead and beat that custard until the buzzer went off. The result was not the luscious, smooth, satiny custard I'd expected, but something between baby cereal and cottage cheese. That's o.k., Heather. It's not over yet! I encouraged myself.

Into the custard went the rum flavour, the vanilla, the melted chocolate and that amazing secret ingredient without which no mousse could claim existence: the gelatin! When it was all deliciously cool, I added whipped cream and it all came together. The sorry-looking custard became something almost divine with the addition of that whipped cream. It was miraculous! The mousse was complete and I think even Martha Stewart would agree that it was perfect.

But a Chocolate Mousse Cake is a drab little, half-done thing, without the final addition: the ganache! Ganache is one of those lovely things that the French decided we cannot live without. It's post-revolutionary because if it had been invented in the days of the guillotine, it's creator would certainly have been beheaded. The thing is simply too decadent for common life! Funny how such a simply made thing can be so complete, so irresistable in itself. All you need to do is choose your very best chocolate (I used Swiss) and pour over it heated, bubbly, heavy (ie. whipping) cream. Within seconds, the chocolate starts to collapse in the bowl. A few deft swirls of a wire whip will turn a heterogeneous soup into the silkiest, creamiest mixture you've ever seen. I cooled this beauty, and then swept it across the set mousse---which, by this time, had been applied in two layers inside a spring form pan. The one inch chocolate cake, cut in two and filled with mousse, had become what it was meant to be: three inches of luscious Chocolate Mousse Cake!

The only thing harder than making a Chocolate Mousse Cake is waiting to eat it. We're having it tonight as the crowning glory to my brother's 25th birthday. It was his very special request, so I'm crossing my fingers that it tastes as good as it looks. If you'd like to try out this delectable recipe yourself, I got it on the Canadian Living website. Give it a try and let me know what you think! P.S. The image is courtesy of .

Friday, July 2, 2010

Caedmon Tutorials

Blogging is a bit of a lonely world, I'm discovering. I suppose somewhere in a portion of my brain, I thought doing this might make a difference in somebody's day---I just forgot that that person might only be me. The desire to connect my life with others'---that's at the heart of this insatiable desire to write, write, write. There's no instant gratification for the beginning blogger. It does really just boil down to slogging through a post, getting out all those pent-up ideas, realizing that I need this more than anyone. Why is it so important to share oneself with others? I guess it goes back to humans being social creatures and all that. I've always been the kind of person who doesn't mind her own company....But sometimes---often---I need the others. I think I'm coming to that more and more as the years go by.

Well, here's yet another way I propose to make connections: This month, I launch my online English Literature Tutorial service, Caedmon Tutorials. Reading, writing, and thinking: these are all activities which one can very happily do all alone. But my tutorials seek to bring people together to talk about great books, to contemplate what they mean and how they apply to our own lives. I'm so excited about this new venture! It seems to connect in one package all the things I care about so much: faith, writing, books, people, education, innovation, sharing, creativity....

I have to realize that it may take a while to catch on. The idea of schooling via the internet is still relatively new. For me too. How to reproduce a classroom atmosphere on the computer? It'll be a challenge, for sure, but I love new challenges and am eager to get this one started. It's been a wonder just planning the courses and I look forward to posting the syllabus soon.  Just thinking about some of the authors and works I'd like to introduce has got me enthused: Tolkien, Lewis, all those wonderful unknowns of the Medieval period!

If you haven't checked out yet, I invite you to do so! I hope you'll join me on these explorations of life-changing literature. By the way, I'm thinking of starting an online book discussion via this blog in August. I've been meaning to re-read the Narnia  books. I'll start posting my thoughts in August and hope you'll join in and share your own with me as I go along.